Half the world’s population votes in 2024 and many elections hinge on migration issues, but disinformation is rife. The 2024 ANU Migration Update will counter myths and deliver facts to help inform the public and raise the standard of migration debates in the ‘year of democracy’. The event convenes senior migration scholars, policymakers and practitioners to showcase the latest migration research and policy priorities at the local, national and global levels. The event is held in partnership with the Department of Home Affairs and the United Nations Migration Agency (IOM) on 2 September at the Shine Dome in Canberra. It is timed to synergise with the 2024 Pacific Migration Workshop (3 September) and the State of the Pacific Conference (4-5 September).


0830 Coffee and Networking

0855 House is called to order

0900 Keynote Panel
Welcome to Country, Paul House (ANU), Ngambri-Ngunnawal custodian
Prof Rebekah Brown, Provost and Senior Vice-president, The Australian National University
Dr Marie McAuliffe, Head of Migration Research, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

0945 Panel 1: Global trends
Chair: Ms Sanushka Mudaliar, Director of the Red Cross Red Crescent Global Migration Lab
Dr Ryan Edwards, Deputy Director, Crawford School DevPolicy Centre, ANU
Prof Philip Martin, Global Migration Centre, University of California, Davis
Dr Rasika Jayasuriya, Consultant to UN Network on Migration Secretariat, Geneva; Visiting Fellow, ANU Migration Hub

1045 Coffee Break

1100 Panel 2: Data innovations
Chair: Mr Justin Douglas, Chief Economist, Australian Department of Home Affairs
Ms Beidar Cho, Director of Demography, Australian Bureau of Statistics
Prof Robert Breunig & Dr Peter Varela, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
Dr James O’Donnell, Lead Investigator, Scanlon Foundation Social Cohesion Study, ANU

1200 Ministerial Address: Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Assistant Minister for Immigration

12.15 Lunch

1315 Panel 3: Emerging challenges
Chair: Dr Bulent (Hass) Dellal AO, Chair of the Review of Australia’s Multicultural Framework
Ms Violet Roumeliotis, CEO, Settlement Services International
Mr Joseph La Posta, CEO, Multicultural New South Wales
Mr Michael Copland, Chief Child Protection, UNICEF Pacific & Prof Litea Sewabu, University of the South Pacific
Ms Liz Collett, Global Fellow, MPI, and Chair of Expert SubCommittee on Skilled Migration

1445 Coffee Break

1515 Panel 4: How to counter myths, deliver facts, and improve the migration debate
Chair: Damián Cardona Onses, Director, United Nations Information Centre for Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific
Dr Marie McAuliffe, Head of Migration Research, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Dr Abul Rizvi, Former Deputy Secretary, Department of Immigration & Citizenship
Mr Tom McIlroy, Political Correspondent at The Australian Financial Review

1630 Closing remarks: Prof Alan Gamlen, Director of the ANU Migration Hub; Prof Fethi Mansouri, Director, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship & Globalisation (TBC)

1645 Vote of Thanks: Mr Lance Allan Bonneau, Acting Chief of Mission for International Organization for Migration


Additional Information

Please be advised this is an in-person event only and will be photographed and recorded. 

“Journalists are welcome to register their attendance for the event by emailing media@anu.edu.au




In Person


Shine Dome
